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TCL - S3EP2 - What is the deal with all the labels?

This podcast is powered by gluten-free, sugar-free, lactose-free AI

Labels are meant for identification, but these days, they’re a form of masquerade—a double entendre, wolf in sheep’s clothing, smoke and mirrors, bait-and-switch switcheroo that can outdo Mata Hari herself.

It’s a virtue-signalling false flag that captures your awareness and exploits your innocence.

It’s a form of perception-hacking that burrows into your fears and influences your decisions for the worst kind of agenda - profit.

Before this newsletter begins to call upon the Valkyries of Internet conspiracy, we are referring to real-world labels often used by the industry to trick your attention towards culturally obsessed artificially inflated lifestyle trends that are powered by powerful marketing and PR shenanigans to hook you in by shaming you for not having it, belittling your human values and forcing you into the mainstream of societal acceptance.

It’s a form of cultural shaming - highlighting your flaws and inserting a Trojan horse in your perception making you receptive to the “new shiny object”.

Everyone is vegan these days. Sugar-Free? All Natural? Of course yes! The facade makes you buy expensive alternative foods packaged as sustainable Eco-friendly earth-saving ambrosia that if you eat it all… the Whales will flourish and JRR Tolkien will finally finish his book. Meanwhile, the companies rake in billions of profits, doing more damage to the environment and, as importantly, damage to your health.

So how do we navigate the tugboats of razor-sharp fool’s gold distracting us from what is important? Real good food. Human food. How can we identify the real healthy food out there, including real vegan food? Sustainable affordable healthy food.

This goes for AI as well! We slap that label on faster than lactose-free butter wrapped in a gluten-free ChatGPT. It’s everywhere! If a product doesn’t proclaim to the world that it doesn’t have AI, it will fall away as a mullet - irrelevant. Now AI is the ADHD term to capture the attention of ever-distracted consumers to make you buy anything.

Coming soon - AI-powered vegan leather. Perhaps now there is a reason to go to Mars?


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My name is VIJEV and I do a podcast about my geeky brain trying to decipher the real world. I chat with a wide variety of people including my recurring tech enthusiast, Deepu Babu. We discuss our world impacted by technology and delve deep into our thoughts as we uncover influences and inventions that drive our innate human behaviour mixed with our love of retro sci-fi art.