Can technology solve politics?
In today's modern age of humanity, can technology play a role in solving the mismanagement and corruption that plagues most politics around the world?

The year is 2020.
You need to open a new bank account, what do you do?
Download an app, put in your ID or passport number, upload some documentation, take a selfie and you're able to transact legally without trouble. After your personal details are validated, someone rocks up at your home or work with a plastic card, your details on it, and that card guarantees you access to the funds within it.
This is a modern solution to a problem that currently exists in many countries. A problem that involves standing in long queues in a bank, taking time off from work, mountains of paperwork (sometimes incorrect ones), red tape, and hopefully without too much trouble, a valid account soon. This modern solution to banking is not new and not limited to just the banking industry.
One has to appreciate the efficiency and major role of technology that enables this seamless process. Something as personal as opening a bank account has been seamlessly automated and validated securely without too much fear of a security breach or piracy. That said, how then is this a major debate of contention for the citizens and government of the US. The debate revolves around only two options, 1. the traditional walk-to-a-polling-station and vote and 2. mail-in voting. With over 80% of US citizens having smartphones, why is there no app or online-based secure application that can enable a citizen to securely and legally vote without fear of discrimination? Surely something as similar as digitally opening a bank account can be achieved. What then about the roughly 50 million remaining citizens without a smartphone? This is how technology can solve politics. It is now much easier to solve the problem for 20% of the population than 80%. The logistics, cost and infrastructure needed are far less to cater to 20% of the population while maintaining social distance and keeping the population safe from COVID-19.
Once you perfect and simplify the process of voting transparently and securely, more and more decision-making tasks by the government can be sped up with faster more meaningful transformation happening in a country.